Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday at Hopi-Land

We have had a wonderful first day in Keams Canyon!  After a restful night's sleep for extremely weary team members, we attended Sunday school and church with the people here and were so blessed to be a part of the worship.

Sunday school started at 10, church started whenever Sunday school was over, and church ended whenever the sermon was over.  Gotta love Hopi time!

Afterwards, we all gathered for lunch downstairs (where the men sleep). 

Then, it was time to get to work.  And work they did!  It was impressive to see the organization, skill and team cohesiveness as the guys eagerly attacked the jobs at hand.

This is why we came....

They need some new pipe workings!

After a long afternoon of hard labor, we all sat down to a team meal and a great time of fellowship.  Will Santiago led us in a devotional and we called it a day. 

We see evidence of God's hand leading each of us individually here for such a time as this.  Building relationships- along with building structures- is key and we are enjoying getting to know these native believers and seeing the passion that they have to see their people come to know the Lord as they do.

Until next time....
                      (Have I mentioned that the sunsets here are amazing....)


  1. Wow! What a beautiful sunset! I am praying for you all and know the Lord will use this in a great way! Have fun and remember to lift with your legs and look in your shoes before you put them on?

  2. Wondering what you stepped in...guess Lynn has already been there! LOL
    Yes we are praying. I was thinking this morning that this trip is an act of worship. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God forever.
