Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday- getting so much done!

I've not been able to post anything to the blog today because we were so busy!  I'll take this opportunity to catch you up on our latest and greatest....

Yesterday after lunch we did some team building by hopping in the van and exploring the desert, going over a huge mountain on extremely unpaved and bumpy roads, thereby experiencing breathtaking views and equally breathtaking driving by Fran :)  We arrived home in time to set up for the traditional Indian taco meal before the Singspiration service.

Oh those Hopi eyes...
After our delicious meal of fry bread, chili and tacos (complete with guacamole), we went up to the sanctuary for our service.  We sang many hymns, Jan and I (Beth) sang a duet, and Will and Melody (pictured below) led a Spanish song in the round. 

We had so much fun!

We've been having ice cream nightly it seems after our events, so even though it was late and we were tired, we broke out the containers and chocolate syrup (for those of you who know me, you KNOW we have chocolate syrup) and had good conversation amongst the team and the church members.   These are times that we savor, as we learn much through this "casual conversation" where stories are shared and we get a window into souls.  We leave these evenings incredibly blessed with our hearts burdened yet at the same time, full of joy for how God is providing and moving among the Hopi here.

This morning, Thursday, we had a ladies Bible study that ran over its charted hour and a half time slot, and instead we talked for three hours. Jan gave a devotional on the fruit of the Spirit and focused on joy.  Again, there was great conversation and much glory given to God for all He has done.  We learned amazing things about these women we are growing to love and we all prayed for one another.  After lunch, the women continued on with a craft, and we talked and laughed and shared our hearts until 2 pm when we finally had to wrap it up and tend to some work.

Melodie taught us how to make beaded bookmarks -

Leslie Piantedosi (from CHIEF) making her bookmark

The men were hard at work while we were crafting, and a few had taken Leslie and Nick's son, Matthew, rock climbing earlier this morning. He was positively beaming as he left with them!

We still had a house to clean out when we were through with our women's session, so by 2:30 we went to work on that.  Well, I say "we", but actually Melody and Jan can take the credit for that one.  They were the Pine Sol queens and totally ruled the kingdom! Pictures on that event to follow.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. My word you ARE BUSY! I am so glad to see Leslie beading. I think she has learned that through her association with Davisville. Way to go Leslie.
    It really is a joy to be there with you though this blog.
