Friday, October 5, 2012

cleaning house

Oh my goodness....yesterday after a wonderful ladies Bible study, we got busy on the Ranch House, as it needed a good cleaning out. 

That's putting it mildly.

This cottage hadn't been lived in for a number of years, so we got to work.

We cleaned inside....

and out.

We left with large bags of trash and the fresh smell of Pine Sol behind us!

Now it's Friday and we are winding down.  Putting a kitchen back together after painting, packing tools, cleaning up.  We have loved every moment - thank you for making it possible for us to be here.  Tomorrow we pull out at 8 am sharp to head to a few stops along the way and end up in Phoenix by bedtime.  We fly out of Phoenix at 7 am Sunday, on our way home. 

I have more picture and stories, so will continue to post into next week. 

This is probably the last post until we return to PA.  

See you at home!

1 comment:

  1. No wonder the Hopi love having you come! I hope you have lots of Biofreeze and Advil!! You deserve a vacation after this week. Job well done!
