I have so many photos to share but internet here is poor and it took a long time to upload the photos I had in the last post!
We have not had showers and I finally shampooed my hair in the little sink in the ladies room in the sanctuary.
We had a great worship service this morning, the Hualapai way of worship! I got to be Scriptural and played the tambourine!
Psalm 150:4-6. "Praise Him with the tambourine & dancing, Praise Him with the strings & flute, Praise Him with the clashing cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
This is Edison & Debbie and his family! Melody and I got to spend time with these precious folks. Edison wants me to give him piano lessons this week and the women want Melody to give them crochet lessons!
The men have amazed me at what they have accomplished in just two days! I wish I could post a lot of photos so you could see all that they have done! I will try to post
before & after photos!
First, you see no walls. Then you see walls!
So, the walls are up and at the same time they have been working on the plumbing for the bathrooms on the outside and on the inside, where the kitchen use to be!
Then you see them starting to put the roof on this morning, before church.
The roof is framed out and when I left to come to the lodge to do this blog, they were putting on the sheets of plywood for the roof!
Below is the men using the jack hammer trying to get through the cement floor to lay the pipes for the bathrooms. Wheelbarrows of dirt, sand and chunks of cement and stone, have been rolled out but we all have been breathing in dust and our upper respiratory lungs and sinuses could use your prayers!!
I have one last picture that I wanted to post on the first blog when we got here. While we were in line at the Philadelphia Airport to go through security, I spotted this carry on bag! I had one of these when I graduated from high school in 1969! I didn't think any of these existed anymore, but here it is, a blast from the past!! LOL. Thank you for your prayers and support! It has been rugged but we have had good unity and many laughs! Oh yes, Fran is still the slave driver but we love him!
Blessings from
Jan Vogel-Manz for the Davisville Arizona Team!
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