Thursday, November 3, 2011

wrapping it up

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for following this blog and sharing it with others and taking the time to read what I posted.  I thoroughly enjoyed doing it, and it was a good way to keep in touch.  It was great to be able to update you on our work and progress each day, and I believe it helped those who were praying for us and thinking of the team to stay connected. 

I am sure I speak for the team when I say that we are settled back into our lives in Pennsylvania, but we have Keams Canyon on our hearts and minds now.  You can't simply forget about an experience like that- when you spend a week and live and work right alongside other brothers and sisters in Christ toward the same purpose and the same goal, you change. Worlds meet that had never met before, and from then on you are never the same.  We are praising God for the opportunity we had to be used by Him.

I'll say goodbye on this blog for now  - if you're interested, I also blog at Chocolate for the Heart and I'd love to see you there!

In Him and by His Grace- Beth Coulton

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